Wednesday 12th February 2025 | Arbaa 13th Sha'ban 1446 [?]
Crescent Moon Visibility of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH

The crescent visibility map below for Jumada Al-Ula 1442 shows that moon will be born on 14 December 2020 at 16:17 GMT/UT, but it will not be visible by the naked-eye anywhere in the UK to Morocco region (or anywhere in the whole world) on that date. However, on 15 December 2020 the moon may be visible in the UK to Morocco region. Hence, the month of Jumada Al-Ula is most likely to start from 16 December 2020, InShaAllah. Note that there will be a solar eclipse on 14 December 2020 across South America/Southern Africa.

Visibility Map for Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH (a)

Visibility Map for Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH (b)

When to Observe the Crescent Moon of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH

Please look for the Hilal of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH on 15 - 16 December 2020 (29th Rabi-ul Thani & the next day) after sunset from the western horizon and report your results (positive or negative) via our website Observation Report Form. [Photo Competition]

Results of Crescent Moon Observations for Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH

ICOUK Moon Report

15 Dec 2020
United Kingdom


Not seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Maulana Hidayatullah Patel from Blackburn City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Maulana Hidayatullah Patel commented: "Clouds on the lower horizon. Also, based on the Yallop codes naked eye sighting wasn't expected today for the UK".


Not seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Hendrik Stahlberg from Brentwood City in the Essex County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Mr Hendrik Stahlberg commented: "The moon was not sighted as it was behind a band of clouds".

London (Wanstead)

Not seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Ms Rahma Alfarsy from London (Wanstead) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Ms Rahma Alfarsy commented: "There were good conditions for sighting the crescent but it was not seen".


Not seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "It was partly cloudy in York (UK) today and from the astronomical data, the position of the moon was very close to the horizon within the glare of the sun, so the moon was not seen".



Seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Prof Hassan Talibi from Benslimane City in the Casablanca-Settat County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Prof Hassan Talibi commented: "هلال جمادي الأولى 1442 كان صعبا في الرؤية لكن الله يسر رؤيته وتصويره فاللهم أهله علينا باليسر ورفع البلاء وباليمن والإيمان والسلامةو الإسلام. Translation: The first crescent of Jamadi Ula 1442 was difficult to see, but Allah facilitates it's sighting so may Allah grant us ease and lift the scourge, faith, and safety of Islam".


Seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Hatim El-Harrak from Tangier City in the Tangier-Tetouan Al-Hoceima County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Hatim El-Harrak commented: "In the name of of Allah the Merciful. Hilal Jumada I 1442 was seen on Tuesday evening 29 Rabi` Al-Akher 1442 AH corresponding to December 15, 2020 AD from Tangiers in the Kingdom of Morocco. [Subitted on 16/12/2020 - Admin]".

Saudi Arabia


Seen after sunset: On 15 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Abha City in the Asir County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Binoculars.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "The weather was cold with patchy streaky hazy light clouds on the south western western horizon. After local sunset 5:36 pm the crescent moon for Jamadiul Ula 1442 was seen by binoculars. I could not locate it by naked eye due to the fact that it was disappearing into the clouds and atmospheric haze".

16 Dec 2020
United Kingdom


Seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Juned Patel commented: "I, Juned Patel sighted the crescent moon (Hilal) of Jumada al-Oola 1442; today on Wednesday, 16th of December 2020 (Rabi-at-Thani 1442 AH: 29 for UK only sighting); from location Bolton, UK. The Crescent moon was sighted with a naked eye at 16:52".

Seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Sameer Ali from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Sameer Ali commented: "I confirm I sighted the moon, alone, with the naked eye from the following location on the date on the photos [16/12/2020]. Location of sighting: Revington Road, Bolton. Photos taken with a phone camera Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro. Attached are 2 photo-shots I took. One shot was before emergence of the moon from behind clouds, I almost gave up and decided to go home. But alhamdulillah [the other is when] it started to emerge very unexpectedly. [Submitted on 24/12/2020 - Admin]".


Not seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Hendrik Stahlberg from Brentwood City in the Essex County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Mr Hendrik Stahlberg commented: "Rain and a layer of clouds did not allow the hills to be spottet from Brentwood".

London (UK-wide)

Not seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Imad Ahmed from London (UK-wide) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Imad Ahmed commented: "Today [16/12/2020], according to UK only Islamic Calendar was the 29th of Rabi al Thani 1442. Despite very discouraging weather forecasts and conditions, the moon was SEEN [by others] in multiple locations in the UK. To view the pictures and full statement, click here: In addition - amatuer astronomers who are not Muslim happened to see and photograph the moon, from the Isles of Scilly, Cornwall; and Mold, North Wales (see photos). We saw the moon live, [Facebook] broadcast. You can watch (from 44 mins onwards) here: [Submitted on 17/12/2020 for records - Admin]".

Nelson (Eglwysilian Hill)

Seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Mr Aled Idris Start from Nelson (Eglwysilian Hill) City in the Wales County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Aled Idris Start commented: "There were two of us who saw the moon from Eglwysilan Hill (Rhondda Cynon Taff) and the photo is from my wife's phone (as my phone's battery died). [Submitted on 2/1/2021]".


Not seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "It was totally cloudy (and raining earlier) in York today so the 48 hrs old moon was not seen. However, the weather forecast seemed to had improved in some other parts of the UK, including Wales and Lancashire, where the moon has been sighted, Alhmadulillah".

Saudi Arabia


Seen after sunset: On 16 Dec 2020, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Abha City in the Asir County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "Seen for a long time along with Saturn and Jupiter, Alhamdulillah".

Announcement for start of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH

On Tuesday 15th December 2020 (29th Rabi-ul Thani 1442 AH) the Hilal of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 was not sighted in the UK but it was sighted in Morocco. We have also received a positive sighting report from Morocco Awqaf Ministry (login to view).

Therefore, the month of Rabi-ul Thani 1442 AH will have 29-days and the month of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH will start from Wednesday 16th December 2020, InShaAllah.

Note that Saudi Arabia do not normally make any official Hilal Sighting announcement from Safar to Shaban (as they usually follow the Ummul Qura Calendar in these months).