Wednesday 26th March 2025 | Arbaa 26th Ramadan 1446 [?]
Membership Subscription
As of January 2023, the annual membership subscription is £30 (or £2.50 monthly) by Bank Standing Order (or PayPal). Please [Contact Us] with proof of your first payment before your account can be activated. Any existing member who makes regular donations or sends monthly Hilal reports is exempt from any subs payment. New members may request an exemption after the first year of membership.
Standard Membership

Anyone from the UK to Morocco region is allowed to become a member of ICOUK and benefit from the products and services offered as explained on the About Us page. To become an ICOUK member, you need to complete a Membership Registration form, pay the subscription fee and wait for it to be approved by our website administrator (usually within 72 hours). This will be done as quickly as possible if all the details are completed accurately and you have responded to the confirmation email promptly.

Once your registration has been approved, you will be able to (a) log in to the website and access the members-only pages; (b) invited to take part in the discussion forum (from; (c) receive monthly reminder email newsletter (from the website); (d) join the WhatsApp broadcast list for regular moon sighting updates (by adding our admin's number to your contact list).

All the above membership benefits are managed by (and synchronised with) our ICOUK website database. In order to keep your account active, it is essential for you to interact with the website by logging in regularly. It's also important to open the monthly email newsletter (usually titled, “Hilal Sighting Reminder for ...”) sent from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on a regular basis. The website login detects the "Access" date stated on the Membership List.

If you do not access the website (e.g. login) for up to 3 months, your account may be automatically disabled at any time. Inactive accounts are disabled at least once a year in order to provide an efficient service to all active members (at the lowest maintenance cost) and also to comply with the GDPR laws. To re-activate an account will incur an admin fee (£30).

Anonymous Membership

The basic details of all registered members (i.e. name, city, county) are displayed on our Members List (see About Us -> Members). This helps all members in the same area to network with each other for moon sighting purposes, such as providing training to new members and/or organising relevant events.AnonymousMembership

However, as of 1440 AH (September 2018), we have added a new option on our Membership Registration form for Anonymous Membership to help those who wish to benefit from (or support) our ICOUK activities, but do not wish to have:

  • their names displayed on our website members list or
  • to join the discussion forum ( for the latest news.

Anyone who chooses to be an Anonymous Member will be contacted by our website administrator to confirm the reasons for their anonymity before their account is activated. This process may take a few days to organise and hence, it will be most helpful for anyone requesting to be anonymous to provide a snapshot of any documentary evidence of their position (e.g. Masjid Imam) on a letterheaded paper.

Regular Donation

In order to provide an efficient service to all our members (as well as all our website visitors) on an ongoing basis, we have invested in the latest technologies which require regular updates, maintenance, security and new development of products and services. Our forecast for next year’s (1440 AH/2019) cost is £300 pcm.

Therefore, we request all members to set up a monthly donation of a small amount by bank Standing Orders using the bank details on the donate page, InshaAllah.

The type of membership donation will have a code for G(old), B(ronze) or S(ilver), to denote a monthly donation of £10 (G), £5 (B) or £2.50 (S) at the date of publication (September 2018), which may change in future. All Anonymous Members are required to make a regular donation to cover the extra cost of manually maintaining their accounts.