Thursday 13th March 2025 | Khamis 13th Ramadan 1446 [?]
Crescent Moon Visibility of Rabi-ul Thani/Akhir 1443 AH

The crescent visibility map below for Rabi-ul Thani 1443 shows that the moon will be born on 4 November 2021 21:15 GMT/UT, but it will not be visible by the naked-eye anywhere in the UK to Morocco region on that date or the next day. However, on 6 November 2021 the moon will be easily visible in the UK to Morocco region (and throughout the whole world). Hence, the month of Rabi-ul Thani is most likely to start from 7 November 2021, InShaAllah. Note that there will be a partial lunar eclipse on 18 - 19 November 2021 across South America to Australia/Asia.

Visibility Map for Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH (b)

Visibility Map for Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH (c)

When to Observe the Crescent Moon of Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH

Please look for the Hilal of Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH on 5 - 6 November 2021 (29th Rabi-ul Awwal & the next day) after sunset from the western horizon and report your results (positive or negative) via our website Observation Report Form. [Photo Competition]

Results of Crescent Moon Observations for Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH

ICOUK Moon Report

05 Nov 2021
United Kingdom


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Juned Patel commented: "I could not see the crescent this evening. Most of the horizon was covered in clouds but there were gaps in between at the area of the crescent".


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Owain Omer Williams from Caerphilly City in the Caerphilly County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Owain Omer Williams commented: "Negative sighting. The sky was full of thick cloud, with very few gaps and those gaps were not in the right places where the crescent would be expected to appear. Venus also not visible as the cloud cover was so thick".


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Ms Rahma Alfarsy from Cambridge City in the Cambridgeshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Binoculars.

Ms Rahma Alfarsy commented: "Hilal [was] completely covered by clouds".

Croydon (Pollards Hill)

Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Shaykh Sulayman Gani from Croydon (Pollards Hill) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Shaykh Sulayman Gani commented: "I was all alone [today]] to sight the moon [from Norbury]".


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Imam Kasim Sumra from Southampton City in the Hampshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Imam Kasim Sumra commented: "Unfortunately due to it being partly cloudy around the observation space, the Hilal wasn’t sighted [Submitted on 7/11/2021 - Admin]".


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Ms Julie Breen from Stockton City in the Cleveland County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Binoculars.

Ms Julie Breen commented: "Observed with binoculars from sunset till moonset. The conditions were too cloudy to allow the Hilal to be sighted".


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "It was fairly sunny during the day in York today, but partly cloudy with clear patches near the sunset position. The 19 hrs old moon was not seen as it was very close to the sun at sunset (HMNAO Code F). For reference, today (5/11/2021) is 29th in Morocco (MA) but 28th in the UK, so we hope to see the Rabi-ut Thani 1443 Hilal tomorrow in both UK and MA (weather permitting), InshaAllah".

Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Younes Foster from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Younes Foster commented: "Cloud on and above the horizon".



Not seen before sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Prof Hassan Talibi from Benslimane City in the Casablanca-Settat County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Saudi Arabia


Not seen after sunset: On 05 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Makkah City in the Makkah Province County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "The Makkah sky was clear but the horizon had some dusty hazy cover. The crescent was not seen by the naked eye ".

06 Nov 2021
United Kingdom

Blackpool (Cleveleys)

Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Maulana Hidayatullah Patel from Blackpool (Cleveleys) City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Maulana Hidayatullah Patel commented: "Very cloudy, some clear patches in the NW direction but not in the SW direction where the moon was, the lower horizon was cloudy everywhere".


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Sameer Ali from Bolton City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Sameer Ali commented: "We waited until nearly moonset yet the cloud cover was too thick and did not clear. I forgot to take a picture".

Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Ms Rahma Alfarsy from Cambridge City in the Cambridgeshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Ms Rahma Alfarsy commented: "A group of around 10 [people] did not sight the moon due to complete cloud coverage".


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Shakil Qureshi from Cardiff City in the South Glamorgan County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Shakil Qureshi commented: "I went out to look for the crescent but there was too much cloud cover. I knew the moon was behind the clouds but there was just no break in the clouds".


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Yasin Akil from Coventry City in the West Midlands County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Zahid Ali from Edinburgh City in the Scotland County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Zahid Ali commented: "Clear sky, with some clouds, good conditions to see the crescent, but no observation was made".


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Ms Karen Khadija Hall from Leeds City in the West Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Ms Karen Khadija Hall commented: "A group of us went out before sunset and stayed till after moonset. It was very cloudy, windy and raining. We did not see the Crescent".

London (Chingford)

Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Asif Memon from London (Chingford) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Asif Memon commented: "Was present 24 minutes before sunset and observed from Sunset until shortly after 5 pm. Crescent was not seen due to a mix of clouds (with some breaks) and houses on a hill which were in the same direction as the 220 azimuth of the moon at sunset and therefore potentially blocked our view".

St Andrews (Fife)

Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Ms Shuhena Islam from St Andrews (Fife) City in the Scotland County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Ms Shuhena Islam commented: "Not seen. It was very cloudy in the morning but became extremely clear by 2 pm. Unfortunately still didn’t spot the crescent, the clouds moved close to the horizon by the time the sun set".

Stockton on Tees

Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Ms Shemanara Haq from Stockton on Tees City in the Teesside County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Ms Shemanara Haq commented: "Negative sighting with naked eye and binoculars at Tees Barrage, Stockton-on-Tees. Sunset 4.19 pm and moonset at 5.09 pm. Celestron binoculars 80 x 20 were also used. Photos were taken with iPhone 12 mini - first at sunset and second at 4.43 pm. Observation until almost moonset time with Sister Julie and another Muslim sister".

Walsall (Bar Beacon)

Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Umar Hussain from Walsall (Bar Beacon) City in the West Midlands County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Umar Hussain commented: "A group of 2 brothers attempted sighting".


Not seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "It was totally cloudy with light rain today (6/11/2021) in York but I still went to a suitable location to look for the moon, hoping to see the moon through a cloud break, as it happens sometimes with moving clouds by the wind. I stayed at the location until moonset and did managed to see the Venus star through a moving cloud break (by the wind), but unfortunately, the moon position was too low on the horizon behind a thick bank of dark clouds (see photos) so the moon was not seen. The weather forecast today before sunset shows that although most of the UK was cloudy, there were some clear areas and with greater community support, the moon could have been seen in those areas. However, there is a large group of UK Muslims who simply follow the Saudi Ummul Qura Calendar (that usually runs 1-day ahead of the moon visibility), which doesn’t help establish the Hijri Calendar based on Local Moon Sighting as per Quran and Sunnah (See Tafsir of Quran 2:189/Kuraib Hadith). Furthermore, we have some UK Ulama groups who have manage to breakaway from the Saudi Ummul Qura Calendar (UQC) followers but as they follow the “global sighting theory” (eg. South Africa) in order to unite with UQC followers as often as possible, their slogan of “First UK moon sighting, then so-and-so country” doesn’t seem to help the UK Muslims either (for using foreign month counts)! Unity is unlikely to be achieved until ALL the groups make a collective decision to follow a Local Moon Sighting Criteria (eg. within the 'British Isles' boundary) regardless of news from far distant countries, InshaAllah. [Ref: YouTube: Local and Regional Moon Sighting Boundary (for the UK)]".



Seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Mr Hasan Kilic from Njamina City in the Njamina County (Chad) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Hasan Kilic commented: "Alhamdulillah, first moon sighting from Chad in Africa".

Saudi Arabia

Jeddah (Albirk)

Seen after sunset: On 06 Nov 2021, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Jeddah (Albirk) City in the Makkah Province County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "Seen easily after local sunset by 15 min. This is from a place called Albirk south of Jeddah by 400km. It was seen for over 1 hr today".

Announcement for start of Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH

On Friday 5th November 2021 (29th Rabi-ul Awwal 1443 AH) the Hilal of Rabi-ul Thani 1443 was not sighted in the UK to Morocco region. We have also received a negative sighting report from Morocco Awqaf Ministry (login to view).

Therefore, (as per agreed criteria) the month of Rabi-ul Awwal 1443 AH will complete 30-days and the month of Rabi-ul Thani 1443 AH will start from Sunday 7th November 2021, InShaAllah.

Related: YouTube: Local and Regional Moon Sighting Boundary (for the UK) | The Fallacy of Global Moon Sighting

Note that Saudi Arabia do not normally make any official Hilal Sighting announcement from Safar to Shaban (as they usually follow the Ummul Qura Calendar in these months).