Wednesday 12th March 2025 | Arbaa 12th Ramadan 1446 [?]
Crescent Moon Visibility of Rajab 1441 AH

The crescent visibility map below for Rajab 1441 shows that moon will be born on 23 February 2020 at 15:32 GMT/UT, but it will not be visible by the naked-eye anywhere in the UK/Morocco region on that date. However, on 24 February 2020 the moon will be visible in most of the Europe/West Africa. Hence, the month of Rajab is most likely to start from 25 February 2020, InShaAllah.

Visibility Map for Rajab 1441 AH (a)

Visibility Map for Rajab 1441 AH (b)

When to Observe the Crescent Moon of Rajab 1441 AH

Please look for the Hilal of Rajab 1441 AH on 24 February 2020 (29th Jumada Al-Akhira) after sunset from the western horizon as per Sunnah and report your results (positive or negative) via our website Observation Report Form. [Photo Competition] See Also: Significance and Virtues of Rajab

Results of Crescent Moon Observations for Rajab 1441 AH

ICOUK Moon Report

24 Feb 2020
United Kingdom

Blackburn (Mellor)

Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Osman Dudha from Blackburn (Mellor) City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Osman Dudha commented: "Not Seen. Too Cloudy".

Croydon (Purley)

Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Shaykh Sulayman Gani from Croydon (Purley) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Shaykh Sulayman Gani commented: "After leading the Salah in Purley Masjid I drive down to Riddlesdown Common Park. Started to observe from 5:55 pm. It was totally cloudy. I was joined later at 6:15 by brother Timoku".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Dewsbury City in the West Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "[Observation from] Thornhill, after Whitley Upper - going towards Huddersfield. Totally cloudy".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Dr Rahail Chohan from Edinburgh City in the Edinburgh County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Dr Rahail Chohan commented: "Complete cloud cover with rain present".

London (Leyton)

Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Nasar Ramzan from London (Leyton) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Nasar Ramzan commented: "Negative sighting in East London. It was solid cloud immediately after sunset. Lots of breaks in the cloud after about 20 min, but still no sighting".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Nasir Hussain from Nottingham City in the Nottinghamshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Nasir Hussain commented: "A lot of clouds, barely saw the sunset. No moon sighting possible due to weather conditions".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Muhammad Jawaid Malik from Oxford City in the Oxfordshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Hasan Kilic from Porthleven City in the Cornwall County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Telescope.

Mr Hasan Kilic commented: "Unfortunately, the crescent moon was not seen [spotting scope photo by Abdulbari Yazici - admin]".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Imam Kasim Sumra from Southampton City in the Hampshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Imam Kasim Sumra commented: "Although clouds cleared up 10-15 mins after Maghrib, but unfortunately the crescent moon was not sighted".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Rashid Brora from Southampton City in the Hampshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Mr Rashid Brora commented: "Not seen as partly cloudy around the horizon, but it was just clearing up [from Southampton Docks]".


Not seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "The York weather was temperamental today. It started with snow in the morning, sunshine during the day and ended with partly cloudy in the evening. There was a bank of clouds low on the western horizon (about 3° high) but otherwise clear above the horizon. However, the crescent moon (hilal) was not seen (with either binoculars or naked eye), as it was very close to the horizon after sunset (see attached photos)".



Not seen before sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Prof Hassan Talibi from Benslimane City in the Casablanca-Settat County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Prof Hassan Talibi commented: "[Hilal sighting photos from friends in other cities (Ifran, Nador)- admin]".


Seen after sunset: On 24 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Abdessamad Doukkane from Nador City in the Oriental County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

25 Feb 2020
United Kingdom

Blackburn (Mellor)

Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Osman Dudha from Blackburn (Mellor) City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Osman Dudha commented: "Seen [by naked eye]".

Cradley Heath

Not seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Modoris Ali from Cradley Heath City in the West Midlands County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Modoris Ali commented: "I was not able to see the moon, due to weather being cloudy and raining on both dates, 24 & 25 February 2020. I had looked through my windows, to see the weather and I had seen it was cloudy and is was raining heavily".


Not seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Dewsbury City in the West Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "Heavy thick clouds came and started to snow near Thornhill".


Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Dr Rahail Chohan from Edinburgh City in the Scotland County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Dr Rahail Chohan commented: "Moon photo taken outside my [dental] clinic in Gorenbridge, Edinburgh. [Submitted on 1/3/2020]".


Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Hasan Kilic from Helston City in the Cornwall County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Hasan Kilic commented: "Seen [hilal] clearly, Alhamdulillah ".

London (Leyton)

Not seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Nasar Ramzan from London (Leyton) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Nasar Ramzan commented: "Worse weather conditions than the night before. More clouds and rain meant sighting was also not possible on the 2nd night, like the 1st night. [Submitted on 28/2/2020 - Admin]".

London (Stoke Newington)

Not seen before sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Abubaker Sayed from London (Stoke Newington) City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Abubaker Sayed commented: "Negative sighting from London (Stoke Newington) due to very dense clouds".


Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Mushahid Khan from Preston City in the England County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Mushahid Khan commented: "Moon seen by me and my wife while casually driving my car".

Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Dr Mohammad Ramtoola from Preston City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Dr Mohammad Ramtoola commented: "Sighted in Preston, الحمد لله along with another brother (Br Faisal). [Submitted on 29/2/2020 - admin]".


Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Mr Mohammad Baig from Slough City in the Berkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Mohammad Baig commented: "At first, the horizon was heavily clouded but within 15 minutes it started clearing and in the end, it was very easily visible".

St Agnes

Not seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member from St Agnes City in the Cornwall County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

commented: "‏السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Moon could not be sighted [by Br Metin Zurel & I] with binoculars or naked eye due to weather been very cloudy, rainy and strong wind! [Submitted on 8/3/2020 - Admin]".


Seen after sunset: On 25 Feb 2020, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "Once again, the York weather was intermitted. It was partly sunny and partly cloudy with hailstone raining during the day. Nevertheless, I went to a good location about half-hour before sunset (17:00 GMT) and waited for the clouds to move until I saw a glimpse of the sun before it set behind clouds. I then set-up my binoculars and zoom camera before praying Maghrib after sunset. As soon as I finished the Maghrib prayer, I turned around and saw the crescent moon (Hilal) by naked -eye at 17:46 GMT near the sunset position, but high up in the sky before it was covered by the clouds again. About 15 mins later (18:00 GMT), the Hilal appeared again, above a bank of clouds and I was able to take photographs with my zoom camera, Alhmadulliah (see attached). I have a also recorded a short video of my observation, which you can see from the link below, with the Prophetic supplication (Masnoon Duaa) of sighting the Rajab Hilal (اَللّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِى رَجَبَ وَ شَعْبَانَ وَ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان). YouTube link here:".

Announcement for start of Rajab 1441 AH

On Monday 24th February 2020 (29th Jumada Al-Akhira 1441 AH) the Hilal of Rajab 1441 was not sighted in the UK, but it was sighted in Morocco. We have also received a positive sighting report from Morocco Awqaf Ministry (login to view).

Therefore, the month of Jumada Al-Akhira 1441 AH will have 29-days and the month of Rajab 1441 AH will start from Tuesday 25th February 2020, InShaAllah.

Note that Saudi Arabia do not normally make any official Hilal Sighting announcement from Safar to Shaban (as they usually follow the Ummul Qura Calendar in these months).