Wednesday 22nd January 2025 | Arbaa 21st Rajab 1446 [?]
Crescent Moon Visibility of Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH

The crescent visibility map below for Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 shows that moon will be born on 13 January 2021 at 05:00 GMT/UT, but it will not be visible by the naked-eye anywhere in the UK to Morocco region on that date. However, on 14 January 2021  the moon will be easily visible in most countries of the world. Hence, the month of Jumada Al-Akhira is likely to start from 15 January 2021, InShaAllah.

Visibility Map for Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH (a)

Visibility Map for Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH (b)

When to Observe the Crescent Moon of Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH

Please look for the Hilal of Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH on 13 - 14 January 2021 (29th Jumada Al-Ula & the next day) after sunset from the western horizon and report your results (positive or negative) via our website Observation Report Form. [Photo Competition]

Results of Crescent Moon Observations for Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH

ICOUK Moon Report

13 Jan 2021
United Kingdom


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Mohammed Vorajee from Birmingham City in the West Midlands County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Mohammed Vorajee commented: "Very cloudy, zero visibility of moon from Spring Road in Tyseley (Birmingham)".


Not seen before sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Maulana Hidayatullah Patel from Blackburn City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Maulana Hidayatullah Patel commented: "Cloudy and rainy all day".


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Juned Patel commented: "I was not able to sight the Hilal. The sky was totally cloudy; it was raining almost all day today".

Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Muhammad Arshad Dar from Bolton City in the Great Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Muhammad Arshad Dar commented: "Sky was completely covered with dark thick clouds".


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Hendrik Stahlberg from Brentwood City in the Essex County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Mr Hendrik Stahlberg commented: "Cloudy skies and rain prohibited a view of the new moon".

Cradley Heath

Not seen before sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Modoris Ali from Cradley Heath City in the West Midlands County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Modoris Ali commented: "I was unable to see the moon due to the weather, it was totally cloudy, today. If the weather permits tomorrow, I will make another attempt to try and see the moon, Insha Allah".


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Hasan Kilic from Helston City in the Cornwall County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Hasan Kilic commented: "Sky is too cloudy to see moon insha'Allah tomorrow. [Submitted on 15/1/2021]".


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "It was totally cloudy in York and was raining earlier today (13/1/2021), so not possible to see the moon".



Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member from Benslimane City in the Casablanca-Settat County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Hatim El-Harrak from Tangier City in the Tangier-Tetouan Al-Hoceima County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Hatim El-Harrak commented: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This evening, Wednesday, Jumada Al-Awwal 29, 1442 AH, corresponding to January 13, 2021 AD, we investigated the crescent of the month of Jumada al-Akhira in Tangiers. It was impossible to see the crescent of the month of Jumada II 1442 AH. Therefore, the sighting of the crescent moon from Tangiers was not proven".

Saudi Arabia


Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Abha City in the Asir County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye or Binoculars.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "Not seen. Moon setting too close to sunset".



Not seen after sunset: On 13 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Ayhan Tabu from Yalova City in the Türkei County (Turkey) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Ayhan Tabu commented: "Leider war das Wetter für eine Sichtung nicht gut, der Regen und eine Wolkenschicht erlaubten es nicht, den Hilal von Cemazielahir zu sichten. Translation: "Unfortunately the weather was not good for a sighting, the rain and a layer of clouds did not allow to see the hilal of Jumada-II"".

14 Jan 2021
United Kingdom


Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Isfahan Iqbal from Blackburn City in the Lacashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Isfahan Iqbal commented: "Seen for few minutes through a very small gap in the clouds".

Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Maulana Hidayatullah Patel from Blackburn City in the Lancashire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Maulana Hidayatullah Patel commented: "Sky was totally cloudy except a break on the western horizon. The moon was seen for about 2-3 minutes before getting covered by the clouds again. I could not take a good picture so it's not visible in the picture below, but the break is visible. [Submitted on 15/1/2021]".


Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Juned Patel from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Juned Patel commented: "I, Juned Patel, from Bolton, UK; testify to have seen the crescent moon (Hilal) of 1st day of Jamada-at-Thani 1442. I saw the crescent moon today on Thursday, 14th of January 2021 from location Bolton, UK at 17:02. It was seen by naked eyes on the left of sunset point. At the time of the observation, the moon orientation was 1 to 7 o'clock. The sky was completely covered with the very dense clouds accept the horizon . We were a total of 4 people from Bolton Moonsighting Group and everyone witnessed the crescent moon, Alhamdulillah. See YouTube video:".

Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Muhammad Arshad Dar from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye and Binoculars.

Mr Muhammad Arshad Dar commented: "Sky was completely covered with dark thick clouds except a small patch and الحمد لله we (4 People) managed to sight the crescent and took pictures".

Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Sameer Ali from Bolton City in the Greater Manchester County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Sameer Ali commented: "Crescent sighted by myself, my mother, and Brother Juned Patel at lay by en route to Rivington - Belmont Road, Bolton. Moon appeared in a gap in the clouds and was visible for around 7 minutes".


Not seen before sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Ms Katie Akhtar from Cardiff City in the Wales County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Ms Katie Akhtar commented: "I am new to moonsighting as it was only my second time attemptimg it. Unfortunately it was a negative sighting due to being covered by moving clouds. [Submitted on 15/1/2021]".


Not seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Umar Faruk Abdul Muthalif from Croydon City in the Greater London County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Umar Faruk Abdul Muthalif commented: "Not seen, cloudy and Raining".


Not seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Ms Shemanara Haq from Middlesbrough City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Ms Shemanara Haq commented: "Negative. Moon crescent was not seen with naked eye. Sunset 4.09 pm and moonset time 5.29 pm. Photos taken with iPhone 12 at 4 pm and 4.54 pm".


Not seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Aled Idris Start from Tonyrefail City in the Wales County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.


Not seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Eng Qamar Uddin from York City in the North Yorkshire County (United Kingdom) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Eng Qamar Uddin commented: "Once again, it was totally cloudy and raining in York today (14/1/2021) so the 35 hrs old moon was not seen, which was the case in most of the UK. However, a couple of towns in North West Region have sighted the moon, Alhamdulillah".



Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Hatim El-Harrak from Tangier City in the Tangier-Tetouan Al-Hoceima County (Morocco) mentioned that the sky was Partly Cloudy, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Hatim El-Harrak commented: "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, after Maghrib today, we examined the crescent of the month of Jumada al-Akhira 1442 AH, and the crescent appeared with the naked eye, and it was photographed and documented. Canon 500D with 70-300mm lens. The beginning of the month of Jumada al-Akhirah 1442 AH is on Friday, January 15, 2021, as the Ministry of Endowments stated in its official statement on Wednesday".

Saudi Arabia


Seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel from Abha City in the Asir County (Saudi Arabia) mentioned that the sky was Clear, the crescent was Seen by Naked-eye and Binoculars.

Hafiz Dr Ayyub Patel commented: "Very easy to sight due to clear sky and moon age after conjunction being 34hrs. The crescent moon was first sighted by binoculars and then by naked eye. It could be seen for over an hour. Other planets were also seen as the sky became darker. Mercury Jupiter Saturn Mars".



Not seen after sunset: On 14 Jan 2021, ICOUK member Mr Ayhan Tabu from Çiftlikköy City in the Yalova Province County (Turkey) mentioned that the sky was Totally Cloudy, the crescent was not seen by Naked-eye.

Mr Ayhan Tabu commented: "İn der Türkei, Yalova: Leider war das Wetter für eine Sichtung nicht gut,eine Wolkenschicht erlaubten nicht den Hilal von Cemazielahir zu sichten.So wie gestern konnte ıch leider heute ebenfalls nicht den Hilal sichten. Translation: "In Turkey Yalova: Unfortunately the weather was not good for a sighting, a layer of clouds did not allow to see the Hilal of Jumada-II".

Announcement for start of Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH

On Wednesday 13th January 2021 (29th Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH) the Hilal of Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 was not sighted in the UK to Morocco region. We have also received a negative sighting report from Morocco Awqaf Ministry (login to view).

Therefore, the month of Jumada Al-Ula 1442 AH will complete 30-days and the month of Jumada Al-Akhira 1442 AH will start from Friday 15th January 2021, InShaAllah.

Note that Saudi Arabia do not normally make any official Hilal Sighting announcement from Safar to Shaban (as they usually follow the Ummul Qura Calendar in these months).